Positive Spiritual Well-Being
Belief in the Spiritual
The results of a Pew Research Center 2014 Religious Landscape Study showed that most of the Americans answering the survey believed in God.
83% were absolutely or fairly certain that God exists.
A more recent survey (2017) finds that one-third of Americans believe there is some other higher power or spiritual force in the universe – something other than the God described in the Bible.
That trend is increasing over time.
Spiritual Expression
Regardless of one’s belief in a God or belonging to a certain religion…or not…spiritual expression seems to be a universal need for most people.
That being the case, we will include an exploration of it when it comes to the positive.
We strive to maintain a neutral position when it comes to any particular religion, while expressing any positive aspects of religious and spiritual beliefs and practices.
The Spiritual
Most religious and spiritual beliefs contain references to the spiritual.
We will define spirit as being the immaterial intelligent or sentient part of the Universe.
Spiritual Thought
Most people who believe in the spiritual would probably say that spirit communicates through thought.
Some would go even further and say that spirit creates with thought.
We suggest that spirit communicates with humans primarily through intuition.
This communication takes place through subconscious pulses.
Communication with spirit seems to be a natural ability that we are all born with.
Some are more in tune with this ability than others.
Spiritual Energy
We have discussed in other sections of this website that the human body constantly takes in energy to maintain itself…to be alive.
The energy we humans take in comes primarily through the food we consume.
Some say that the food that we eat, the humans that eat it, and everything else in the Universe exists due to being infused with spiritual energy.
Some call this the Holy Spirit, chi, prana, Ki, and so on.
If that is the case, does it not benefit us to explore and learn how to use it for positive things?
Positive Spiritual Well-Being
As humans are affected by their own thoughts, perhaps spirit is affected through thought as well.
If that is the case, then it seems to us that all of life benefits from positive thought.
We will explore throughout this website and our Positivity Magazine that positive thinking is also positive for our spiritual well-being.