Welcome to the Positive Humor, News, and Thinking website. Here, we explore all things positive.

What does the word positive mean? A dictionary may define positive as something that is:

  • Formally laid down or imposed – prescribed
  • Independent of changing circumstances – unconditioned
  • Not fictitious – real
  • Having or expressing actual existence or quality
  • Capable of being constructively applied

For us, being positive…or…positivity, is a way of sensing and interacting with reality in a healthy way.

You can choose to constructively apply positive mental and physical tools to affirm your reality which in turn enables, sustains, and enhances your well-being.

When you allow and support your well-being, then it’s possible for you to live the healthiest, happiest, and most prosperous life.

Through this website and its Positivity Magazine, we strive to discover and utilize positive ways of doing things…to feel more in control of our lives.

We invite you to join us on this journey of discovery of what it means to be a positive human being.

Let’s now begin to explore the positive physical, mental, and for many…the spiritual.
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