Positive Physical Well-Being
One of the main things that distinguishes human beings from other forms of life is our physical bodies.
Our physical bodies allow us to interact with the world in which we live.
Physical Health
Wouldn’t it be worthwhile to keep our bodies healthy since they are a major part of interacting with our world?
A healthy body generally refers to a body that is free from disease or illness; one that is sound and vigorous.
Physical Energy
Vigorous refers to having healthy physical energy.
The human body can be seen as a machine that is driven by energy.
The human body requires a constant intake of energy to perform a variety of functions in our day-to-day lives.
Doesn’t it make sense to learn how to increase our energy intake and use that energy in healthy ways for our well-being?
The Brain
As we know, the human physical body does not live in a vacuum.
While much of what the physical body does is automatic, we can control much of our interaction with the world through the conscious part of the brain.
If we want to move in a certain direction we do; if we want to open and shut our eyes…we do.
We can see our bodies as physical machines that our brains can manipulate.
The brain can be seen as a data processor similar to a CPU (central processing unit) in a computer.
One of the brain’s major roles is to interpret the data that comes in through the physical body’s receptors, or senses...hearing, touching, tasting, smelling, and seeing. Some say we have a sixth sense as well…intuition.
The brain interprets the data to attain an awareness and understanding of our interaction with the world.
How the brain interprets what is going on in the world, usually causes a reaction.
This reaction is usually centered around feelings about what the brain interprets to be going on.
Basically, the brain sends the body’s energy into motion, which is what emotion is.
This energy in motion is usually accompanied by physiological changes such as an increase in heartbeat or respiration.
Some emotions can be beneficial to your well-being (love for example), and others can be damaging (hate for example).
Positive Physical Well-Being
This is where the importance of being positive comes in.
Your body reacts to every thought you have.
What makes an emotion or thought negative, neutral, or positive is generally due to the affect it has upon your body.
When your brain activates a positive emotion, your body responds with beneficial effects, which is great for your well-being.
Through this website and its Positivity Magazine, we strive to discover and utilize positive ways for our physical well-being.