Positive Mental Well-Being
Included in the human body is the Homo sapiens brain, which also distinguishes us humans from most other life forms on planet Earth.
The brain serves as our data processor similar to a CPU (central processing unit) in a computer.
A thought is mental activity that takes place within your brain.
Usually, everything you do begins with a thought at some level.
The Mind
While the brain interprets the data to attain awareness and understanding of our interaction with the world, and thought is the actual mental activity taking place within the brain, it is the mind that regulates.
The mind can actively regulate or control the flow of energy and information within our brain.
The mind serves as an important gateway for the information we allow into consciousness and how we use it.
Some say that the mind is the intermediary between form and formless; between your body and what is outside of it.
Is it possible that we create our reality by the patterns we have in our minds and by the choices we make?
If this is so, then it will benefit us to learn how to regulate our energy and information flow to enable an optimum reality.
While we can use the mind consciously, we do have these things called emotions.
Emotions are primarily unconscious mental processes.
In their essence, they create a state of readiness for action, for “motion,” disposing us to behave in particular ways.
As you know, there are a variety of emotions you can express…everything from love to hate.
Emotions can be positive, mostly neutral, or negative in their effects on your physical and mental well-being.
Negative emotions are one of the main things that tend to consume our mental or brain energy.
Positive emotions are one of the main things that tend to enhance our mental or brain energy.
Mental Energy
The body and brain require a constant intake of energy.
This energy is consumed or enhanced through a variety of physical and mental tasks, including emotion.
These tasks include regulating your emotions, controlling your thought processes, physical stamina, and perseverance.
Wouldn’t it be great to learn how to use neutral to positive emotions to enhance your energy?
You are much more energized and are able to sustain your energy in a much more efficient manner when you are neutral to positive on the emotion scale.
The mind is a tool you can use to live an optimum life by regulating how you use your energy.
Mental Health
Your body reacts to every thought/emotion you have.
Wherever a thought goes, a chemical goes with it.
Generally, damaging chemicals pair up with negative thoughts/emotions, and beneficial chemicals pair up with positive thoughts/emotions.
A person’s health usually improves almost immediately when s/he is no longer in a negative mental state.
On the other hand, keeping a frame of mind that is positive, even optimistic, greatly assists you in healing yourself.
It seems that a positive thought is something that is good for the thinker; something that helps to keep the thinker healthy and emotionally positive.
There’s a lot of truth to the saying, “as you think, so you become.”
Staying neutral to positive is good for your mental health.
Having good mental health helps you to adapt to new information and to new experiences.
One of the things this website and our accompanying Positivity Magazine will explore and use, is humor.
Humor is a tool that we use to help stay positive and healthy.
Humor helps one maintain a well-balanced state by laughing away emotional excess.
In addition, we also use humor, such as jokes, to help people see things from different perspectives.
A joke does this by showing how ridiculous certain behavior can be and to see how else it may have been.
We’ll have some fun being ridiculous and at the same time expand our toolset to living a more healthy life.
Positive Mental Well-Being
One of our main goals for everything we do, is to help you stay healthy.
As we will show over and over again, getting and staying healthy requires having a positive outlook on life.
Feeling positive about yourself and your life ultimately hinges directly upon how your mind filters and interprets your everyday experiences.
The way you perceive, judge, and react to your thoughts throughout the day serves as the basis for your reality and is the foundation upon which that reality is created.
Your mind can make choices as to how to live in each moment.
Learning how to control and direct your thoughts in a positive way is one of the most effective ways to feel good…to enhance your positive mental well-being.