by theteam 

September 17, 2019

On the Set of Positive Thinking

So, we were here at this basketball court shooting an episode of positive thinking, looking at the impact of positive reinforcement on performance.

So, we had some people throw some free throws towards the hoops and you know some people did better than others.

And then we had the ones that did really terrible receive some really positive feedback from the crowd.

We had them shoot blindfolded and we lied to them totally telling them that they scored on the blindfolded shots.

And then upon taking off the blindfold we had them do ten shots again free throw with the crowd cheering them on.

All of them showed improvement in their performance.

Showing that there's actually a measurable impact with positive feedback and positive reinforcement, which again goes to show you that when you believe you can you know you go farther.

Okay so let's have you take one shot.

Do you think you can do it guys?

The people will receive negative feedback we're fascinating as well.

They fell into two camps.

One person who had done really well at first and then upon receiving negative feedback was able to consistently do well in spite of the negative feedback.

Where somebody that was able to hone in internally in their sense of intrinsic self-worth and their intrinsic sense of positive thinking.

They were actually able to overcome the negative feedback and consistently do well.

The other person who did really well in the beginning upon receiving the negative feedback they did suffer about a 50% you know performance loss from you know nine out of ten shots to five out of ten shots.

So, in this case he was somebody who was not as easily able to tune out that negative reinforcement.

So, I guess it's one of those things if you're receiving positive reinforcement from the world open yourself up to it right taking the good vibes.

If you're receiving…if you're receiving negative feedback from the world learn to tune it out.
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